Lets get First Nations Cultural Educators in every primary school

How to find the name of the First Nations Country you are on.


Don't know the name of the First Nations Country you are living on?

Our reserarch revealed that 61% of people don't know the name of the First Nations Country they live on. This is a product of our very colonially skewed school education. 

You would know if your school had local First Nations Cultural Educator teaching students (and teachers) in every class for an hour a week.


So you're not alone! Here are some tips!

To find the name of the First Nations Country you are on:

  1. Google your suburb + "Traditional Owners" or "First Nations Country"
  2. The best source of information will be First Nations owned and run organisations such as Aboriginal Land Coucils
  3. Here is a map of Victoria's current Registered Aboriginal Parties (July 2021)
  4. Visit your local council or local school websites for who they acknowledge of the Traditional Owners